Like the moon pulling the too my mind s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s, and then releases. Again, s-t-r-e-t-c-h and release.
Can't quite figure out all the stirring within, but something is happening.
s-t-r-e-t-c-h ....
Where can I go to fill the hole within? Can I build a well so children can be nourished by clean drinking water? Spend time in a refuge camp? An orphanage? Adopt? Live humbly. Give. Give. Give. Serve in the Peace Corps? Travel by foot? Write? Learn languages?
...and release.
Of course I am pulled back to Earth, my world, my home, my family, my children, my job. I think of jeans I'd like to buy, movies I'd like to watch, organic food I'd like to eat. I bathe in gallons of clean water, brush my teeth several times a day, sip Starbucks, drive freely, on-line shop, snap at the kids, worship in the church of my choice, sleep restfully.
How can I give more, be more, learn more, live more? How can I fill my life with more spirit? How can I share my freedoms with those who suffer?
...and release.
Where can I get that, do that, see that, try that, buy that?
Some days I imagine shedding my skin and following the footsteps of my soul. Some days I imagine leaping into a life where selfless acts come first, and where that means much more than serving a hot meal to others before ourselves. Some days I feel the bubbling inside and wonder if I have the courage to make it last...
...and release.
And then I look into the faces of that which I've already begun. I can't leave them. Not because they need me. But because I need them. I need their strength to guide me through this world, this place. And my prayer is that we journey into our future with clarity, grace, and purpose, together.