Lori at Teacher Turned Mommy tagged me with this Meme. The thing is, I suck at memes.
Here are the rules (WARNING: I'm not good at playing by the rules.)
a. Link the person who tagged you. (I did that.)
b. Post the rules on your blog. (I'm two for two now.)
c. Write six random things about yourself. (This is where the rules get foggy.)
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (How random? Like, totally random, with no thought on my part at all.... okay.)
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog. (No can do.)
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up. (What do you take me for? A total slacker?)
Here are SIX places that I've been blessed enough to visit. Although I'm all for bragging, this isn't to brag, just to document. Before my Mommy brain cells are all used up. And I forget.
Where was I?

Paris, France

London, England

Florence, Italy

Venice, Italy

Rome, Italy
(Orange hair? WTF?)

New York, NY
Munich, Germany (That's my cute Mom)
(I'm not that skinny. The beers were just freakishly proportioned.)
(Pretzels and Beers)

Amsterdam, Holland
And now I'm tagging 6 "random" people: If your name is Susan, Martha, Hannah, George, Adele, or Ian I tag you. (Totally random. I don't think I know them. In fact, I know I don't. But, it's a good way to get to know you if that's your name.)
Lori also bestowed this beauty on my. Although I'm totally unworthy because I just screwed up your meme. But thank you. Check Lori out. She is a Teacher turned Mommy just like me. Her son is adorable. She does digital scrap-booking. She's about to pop out baby boy #2. And she's great at leaving comments.

I love this flowery award because it proclaims friendship in this cyber world. I've come to LOVE all of you in this blog land. So again, I'm cheating on the rules. If you and I read one another's blog (that's a lot of you lovely people out there), I give this Blog Friend Award to you. Yes, YOU! Take it. Share it.
And CC over at If I Only Had SuperPowers gave this sweet one to me. The story goes that it's a "laugh, cry, think, or sigh" award. CC says I make her laugh. Are you good in math? That means I got one quarter of this award. THAT'S sayin' something. What's it saying? Please check out CC for her expertise in Speech and Language, her What Works For Me ideas, and her general KICK-A** approach at helping the world one teaching tip at a time. I think she really does have Superpowers!

I'm passing along this one to Burgh Baby's Mom because I have a blog crush on her. She was just on her local news bragging about how great her blog was, drumming up AdSense and all, so I figure I'd help her out. Nah, she really does make me "laugh, cry, think, or sigh," especially when she puts those creepy dolls on her site.
Congratulations on your awards! You so deserve them, even if you follow only half of the directions sometimes! :)
I love learning that you have been to all of those super exciting places. They look down right fabulous! So, which place do you think was your favorite?
I know, I know, I guess I am not "playing by the rules".
Nope, I'm not good in math. My brain cells are just slightly fried (between working, momming, and trying to keep the house standing).... 1/4. Sounds good to me.
You totally just gave me permission to do more doll posts. Saweeet!
Um, are you sure it's not Me-Me? Huh. I learn something new every day.
Last random comment, you are SO freakin' hot. If things don't work out in my little thing with AFF, I'm proposing. Our wedding will have to be on the West Coast, though, because Vermont will have been tainted for me.
Well you have been to some pretty awesome places! And you look like a million bucks all over the world. Congrats on your bling!
Well-deserved bling. Apparently, you were the perfect person to get that meme--you've been all over the place!
Congrats, woman! You are hawt!!!
I learned something new tonight. I always thought meme was me, me, it is all about me! Never did I guess that it rhymed with theme. Who knew? I guess you did!
You have traveled quite extensively. I too have been to all those places, except Italy. I haven't been to Europe since I was 16 though. Looks like you have been more recently.
Congratulations on your awards... you are most deserving. I always get excited when my reader shows you have a new post! Thanks for being one of my daily reads.
You're a stitch. I love reading you. :-)
Great idea going with a theme for the meme. And how awesome that you got to visit all of those places. Congrats on the new bling!
You are a hot traveling momma! I may be a little jealous!
Oh my gosh, you look good in every picture.
How is that possible?
Maybe because you look good in real life?
Yes, that must be it.
p.s. I love the "me-me." It's so sniglet.
Ba-BLING! You have adorable twins, you're a rockin' babe and have been all over the world. How is that fair??
I live in Omaha for crying out loud. Suck.
congrats on the bloggy bling! You go girl.
How fun to have gotten to go to so many great places. The bartender in the second shot is HILAROUS!!!
Awesome places!
I have been to most of those and before I was blind. So I remember them visually
I'm so jealous! I've never been anywhere. And yes you are that skinny!
congratulations Jamie ...
I am so behind on completing a few memes ...
Thank you for the little lesson on Meme pronunciation. You have saved me from making the same embarrassing spectacle I made with the word Queue (kwoowoo, right?)
And if a big mug of beer is all it takes to look that good I'm going to start carrying one around with me everywhere I go (even church!) =)
1. You have been to some very cool places.
2. You are HAWT.
3. I don't like it when the Burgh posts scary doll pictures either!
Yeah on all those awards. :) And boy you have traveled... lucky you. I'd love to travel one day... today is defiantly not that day. ha!
You and I have been to lots of the same places. Munich, for sure, is one of my all time faves...
Who is the really cute and really skinny girl in all your pics??
Oh that's right, it's YOU!
Enjoyed all the pictures. Congrats on the well deserved awards!
You did just teach me that MEME is not Me-Me. I totally thought that was how is was pronounced.
Girl do you get around (hee hee!!!). Got any good stories to share about all your world adventures?
BTW--You are so dang PRETTY!!! But, don't fall for Burgh's lines. She's promised to AFF . . .
Congrats on the awards. So deserved!
Those are such fabulous places to have visited and those are wonderful pictures!!! Congrats on your great awards too - you so deserve them. Have a good day - Kellan
Did you go to Oktoberfest? We went on our honeymoon and ended up in a wine tent at a lesbian table--I am not kidding. Oh well--at least there was alcohol ;)
You are such a cutie --congrats on the rockin' awards!
Congrats on the bling....I have been to all accept Holland and Germany, may get there one day:_
wow you have been everywhere! I am so jelous. My husband and I can't wait to really travel. Oh it looks like you had fun
Okay, it's official. I have to hate you now. Damn skinny, hot, world traveler!
Holy Travels!!! What fun - and you're beautiful to boot!!!
hi. i'm jealous. bye, now.
Look at you be a world traveler - that would be so fun!
I love the way you went about tagging. That's classic.
Color me silly...I thought it was 'meme as in rhymes with them'!! Thanks so much for showing me the bloggy-light!
Love the photos...you and your hub are just too cute for words!! But...there for a few pictures it almost looked like a "drinking establishments around the world" tour!!! That would be fun, too!!
Congrats on the bling...it looks good on you!!!
I am SUCH a dork. I had no idea that meme rhymed with theme.
Congrats on your awards!!
Congrats on your awards! This is my first visit to your blog but you already made me laugh with your "random" tagging so I guess I will have to come back and visit again! HA!
Cool world traveler pics. Just a wee big jealous of all the cool places you've been...
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